The Soil Inventory Project

The Soil Inventory Project (TSIP, formerly MySOC) is a nonprofit building a continental-scale soil carbon inventory, to be held in public trust providing actionable data to farmers, scientists, and agricultural innovators.

Funding purpose: support the cores staff needed to continue TSIP’s success. Funds enable them to fund top flight organizational leadership as they transition from TSIP from an energetic science-led startup, to a national leader in climate smart agriculture.

Learn more:

  • Watch: Video that shows the TSIP soil sampling procedurethis is a “how-to” for our producers that TSIP will sending to hundreds of farms in the next year. This new sampling protocol has just passed muster with the peer review process, showing that it’s more reliable than a push probe and about twice as fast.
  • Read: TSIP’s Blog, including recent progress reports

Archived videos: