F.A.R.M.S. / Jillian Hishaw
Family. Agriculture. Resource. Management. Services. (F.A.R.M.S.) focuses on providing pro-bono legal and technical assistance services to low-income, small farmers of color in rural communities that experience high rates of poverty and unemployment. For nearly a decade F.A.R.M.S. has become a critical lifeline for the farmers and families they serve by donating a million pounds of food, providing hundreds of thousands of dollars in emergency funding, and providing legal services that have successfully provided relief for hundreds of farmers. Although the organization is small, their grand vision is that every small farmer of color has the support, and resources to sustain generational wealth and prosperity.
F.A.R.M.S. broad spectrum of services has moved the needle in preventing land loss and helping farmers of color hold on to their invaluable family legacies, however, unfortunately, the adverse effects of climate change, a demand for racial equity, and the disastrous effects of COVID-19 have exponentially increased the need for their services. Funding enables F.A.R.M.S. to increase their capacity by upgrading their technological infrastructure, hiring knowledgeable and compassionate staff, and enhancing their skillsets through professional development and coaching. Their goal is to expand their reach further into rural communities that have the greatest need.
Learn more:
- Read: Blog Post: When Black Farmers Are Forced From Their Land – review of Jillian’s book Systemic Land Theft
Archived videos:
Learn more in the video below by CLIF Bar, and on the F.A.R.M.S. website: 30000acres.org