Esperanza Community Farms
“Esperanza Community Farms (Esperanza) is a system-changing, sustainable community farm focused on the goal of increasing food security and financial well-being among families and small farmers living in the Pájaro Valley and Salinas Valley in the California Central Coast. Under-resourced farmworker families in our community struggle to obtain healthy foods due to unaffordable produce and the absence of full-service grocery stores. Since 2017, Esperanza has addressed this crisis by operating our pesticide-free farm that cultivates culturally preferred vegetables and fruits and delivers bi-weekly boxes of produce directly to 175 members’ homes via a subsidized, donation-based Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program. The CSA, along with our Farm-to-Cafeteria (F2C) school program and partnerships with local farmers-of-color via the Organic Farmer Co-Op, work interdependently to realize our mission of both localizing the food supply chain and ensuring access to wholesome healthy food for all residents of Pájaro and Salinas Valleys.
Funding purpose: Strengthen our network of small organic farmers and our donation-based CSA program that utilize regenerative growing practices towards a truly localized, resilient food system in the Pájaro and Salinas Valleys. Funds are used to compensate our staff at a thriving wage, contribute to professional development opportunities, purchase vital farm equipment, and track our impact as a recently incorporated non-profit.
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